Documentation > picu Pro Docs > Star Rating & Filter

Star Rating & Filter

Star Rating & Filter will be available in picu Pro version 1.5.0.

Custom Stars Color

By default the stars use the color you set in your Design/Appearance settings. It is however possible to define a custom color, just for the stars:

 * Use custom stars color.
function my_custom_picu_styles( $custom_styles ) {

    :root {
        --picu-star-color: gold; // Replace with your custom color

    return $custom_styles . ob_get_clean();

add_filter( 'picu_brand_customize_styles', 'my_custom_picu_styles' );Code language: PHP (php)

Deactivate Star Ratings for All Collections

If you do not want to use star ratings and filtering, the following snippet will deactivate it for all collections:

 * Disable star rating for all collections.
add_filter( 'picu_use_star_rating', '__return_false' );Code language: PHP (php)

Deactivate Star Ratings for Some Collections

The snippet below can be used to deactivate star rating and filtering for a predefined set of collection, in this example case for the collections with the IDs 1234 and 5678.

 * Disable star rating for certain collections.
function my_picu_deactivate_star_rating() {
    $collections = [ 1234, 5678 ];
    if ( in_array( get_the_ID(), $collections ) ) {
	return false;

    return true;

add_filter( 'picu_use_star_rating', 'my_picu_deactivate_star_rating' );

Code language: PHP (php)

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