You can access the following settings in your WordPress Admin at “picu > Settings > General“.
Random Collection URLs

By default, WordPress generates URLs from the title. Because picu collections are not meant to be public (or need SEO optimization), we use randomized URLs by default.
If you want to use the WordPress default, uncheck the box in the setting. ☝️
Expire Collections by Default

Pretty self-explanatory: If you want collections to automatically expire, check this box. ✅
The default expiration time is 30 days. Pro users can set the default via the next setting.
Default Expiration Time

Also pretty self-explanatory, this setting will set the default expiration time to the number of days you specify inside the box.
If you are not (yet?) a Pro user and not afraid to use some code, there is also a filter with which you can set the default expiration time.
Pro users can also set an expiration date on a per collection basis.
After Approving a Collection
With this threepart setting you can define what happens after the collection has been approved by a client.

With “Time to redirect“, you can decide between:
- No redirect (which will just display the message, see below)
- Immediately – don’t show approval message and redirect right away
- 5 seconds
- 10 seconds
The “After approval message” is what will be displayed to the client, once they sent their selection (depending what is specified above).
And finally the “Target URL” is where the client will be redirected to, after they sent their selection (again, depending on what is specified above).
❤️ picu Love

If you want to show us some love and spread the word about picu, you might consider checking this box. 🥳
It will include our logo at the bottom of emails and display a tiny “powered by picu” hint at the top right of all collections.