The Download feature is a only available with picu Pro.
The Download feature allows your clients to download the collection images, either individually or all at once.
Please note, that this feature is intended allow downloads of proof images. To delivery final, high-resoltion files to you clients, check out the Delivery feature.
Once activated, your clients will see two buttons at the top right in the collection overview and one to download a single image in the lightbox view.

Activate this feature, when you create a new collection by enabling it in the “Collection Options“:

If you choose the second option “Use external URL“, individual download links won’t be used, and there will be one download link at the top, which links to the URL specified by you.
All my images are renamed with a number prefix in the .zip file
When creating the .zip file, picu will prefix all image names with numbers in order to retain the order in which the images are displayed in the gallery. This can be deactivated with a filter.
I don’t see the download link in my collection
The .zip file is created once the collection is sent to the client. In draft mode the link is not visible.
I get an error 500 when sending a collection
If you have a huge collection, and/or the images are very big, you might run into memory issues on your web server.
You can increase the memory limit that WordPress can use by adding this code to your wp-config.php file:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
You can check, how much memory you can theoretically be using by going to “picu > Settings > Tools/Debug” in your WordPress Admin, then follow the “Site Health” link and look at the “PHP memory limit” under “Server“.
If it is already set to the maximum, another option might be to upload smaller images or split your images into multiple collections.
I get a “Not supported” warning and can’t select the “Atomatically create .zip file from collection” option
The PHP version on your server does not support the ZipArchive class, which picu uses to create the ZIP file from your images.
Check with your hosting provider on how to add support for that class for the PHP version you are using.